There are 332 commands. Click at a category to see its commands or use the search.
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bufferCategories: buffer, return Sorry, info not available in english!Gibt den Inhalt des Buffers als String zurück. Zeilenumbrüche werden als ¦ dargestellt loadfile "File" [,"Part"]Categories: buffer, return Loads the content of a file to the buffer and returns the buffer's content in form of a string (line breaks are displayed as ¦).If the parameter Part is specified, the command only loads a certain passage of the file. In the files, parts are marked by the character string //~ which can only be inserted at the beginning of a line. Promptly after it (without spaces), a name can be given to the part. I.e. //~MyPassage Now if you fill in MyPassage as a parameter, the command loads from the very line on that begins with //~MyPassage and stops as soon as the next //~ is reached or if the file ends. This way, you can stuff as much script and text into a single file as you wish. |
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